The World Atlas of Street Food Out Now!

Almost exactly a year ago I lost my job in quite spectacular fashion. The company I worked for didn’t just close down and send us on our way, our misfortune was splashed across international newspapers and websites. The closure didn’t just leave hundreds of employees across the globe without work or pay or what we were owed, but it left a lot of other disgruntled (and rightly so) people too. Despite that, many of those who the closure affected most, reached out and offered huge amounts of support and kind words which meant a great deal. 

Despite the support, this time last year I was sat on the sofa, under a blanket, crying between each job application I completed. Times have thankfully changed. Now I have a job which I have thrown myself into and find hugely rewarding. I get to think, write and speak about food all day long.

While things are great now, going through the experience of losing my job was hard. I can’t pretend otherwise and it isn’t easy to forget. However, it did force me to take risks and do other things. Since last year I have consulted and worked for a few start ups, landed my new job working for a major brand and contributed a chapter to a book – words, images and a recipe. It’s the latter I’m most proud of. The offer came in just days after losing my job. If I’d still been working I’d have said: “Thanks but I can’t take time off work.” Instead I said: “When do you need it by?”

I won’t pretend it was the most lucrative gig! I had to pay for flights to Krakow and stay in a hotel, the cheapest I could find. There was a slight incident with some raw bacon which didn’t go too well but thankfully (possibly due to large amount of cheap red wine consumed just after) I survived unscathed if a little out of pocket.


Hugely proud to see my chapter on Krakow in print. Words and photos. #WorldAtlasofStreetFood

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Want to Know What Tito Ate? You Need Tito’s Cookbook!

While I was in Belgrade I visited The House of Flowers, Tito’s Mausoleum.  On entering the museum and while buying my entrance ticket I was excited to spy a copy of Tito’s Cookbook.

Tito's Cookbook

The book, written by Anja Drulovic is a compilation of Tito’s favourite recipes, alongside images of him meeting international dignitaries including Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II and the Kennedys, famous actors such as Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton, and even ruthless dictator, Saddam Hussein.

Tito's Cookbook

It’s certainly an interesting read, with some fantastic photographs.  Priced at 3000 Serbian Dinar I think it’s well worth buying for those with an interest in food and history.

Tito's Cookbook

Tito’s Cookbook by Anja Drulovic

Published by Laguna

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Book Review: The Global Vegetarian Kitchen

When The Global Vegetarian Kitchen recipe book by Troth Wells landed on my doormat I was rather eager to see what East European inspired dishes would be included.  While Eastern Europe is not renowned for its tolerance of vegetarianism there are plenty of renowned vegetarian dishes from the region.  I was rather pleased to see that of more than 100 recipes, Wells has included some East European delights in this latest book promoting vegetarianism.

The first recipe to grab my attention was the Turkish Thick Lentil Soup on page 58.  With onion, garlic, red lentils, cumin and chilli, this is a version of lentil soup which I particularly enjoyed at breakfast while in Istanbul.  This is my ideal of heaven on cold, winter days.

Rather more excitingly was the Turkish Moussaka recipe on page 108.  I would personally normally associate Moussaka with Greece but apparently this version is spelt musakka in Turkish which derives from the Arabic for chilled.

Yet another one of my favourites can be found on page 110: Mushroom Stroganoff.  The beef is substituted with chestnut mushrooms.

The ‘Swooning Imam’ or aubergine bake on page 138 particularly caught my eye.  Using onion, peppers, cumin, coriander, tomatoes and parsley, these stuffed aubergines look fantastic. It’s no wonder the Imam fainted at the taste!

For those with a sweet tooth the Russian Gramma cake featured on page 228 looks to be particularly pleasing and is complete with old family recipe (is there anything better than that?).

Of course the book also contains fabulous recipes from all over the world: America, India, The Orient etc.  This is quite possibly my favourite cookery book to hit the shelves this year.

The Global Vegetarian Kitchen
Published by New Internationalist
Author: Troth Wells
ISBN: 9781906523381
Publication date: October 2010
Price: £20.00
Available from and all good bookshops

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Young Hitler: A Non- Fiction Novel

Young Hitler
Young Hitler

How did a lowly World War One veteran, with neither substantial education or wealth, rise to become the most reviled leader in the modern history of Europe?

In this account of the life of young Adolf Hitler, Claus Hant explores his psychology and development. From the heart of pre-war Vienna through to the horrors of the trenches in World War One, we go straight to the source of the forthcoming death and destruction Hitler unleashed decades later on Europe. We follow the young Adolf Hitler from his years in Linz, to his life as a struggling artist in Vienna, to the hellish trenches of World War One and then to an impoverished post-war Munich. The narrative follows the bizarre series of events that culminate in this lonely and eccentric young man becoming ‘The Fuehrer’ of the Third Reich.

Claus Hant has chosen to write this as a ‘non-fiction’ novel, a narrative in which the writer’s imagination assumes a subordinate role and is a facilitator of factual information. All of the major events experienced by Hitler in the book are based upon the latest academic research. Facts that have been known so far only to a small circle of specialised historians are introduced for the first time to a broader audience. With detailed appendices, this is the most accurate and compelling portrait of the young man who became one of the most notorious political leaders of the twentieth century.

Claus Hant is a German scriptwriter and the creator of a detective series that ran on prime time for over a decade and made German TV history with its audience figures: Der Bulle von Tölz. Hant has also written cinema films, his latest being Der grosse Kater, starring Bruno Ganz (Downfall).

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The Food & Cooking of Russia


The Food & Cooking of Russia by Elena Makhonko is an exploration of the distinctive tastes and history of Russian cuisine with 60 authentic recipes. Makhonko was born in Leningrad (St Petersburg) and learned to prepare Rusian food from her grandmother who read cookbooks to her, and from her mother who is  skilled cook.  Elena moved to Sweden in the 1980s and for her first ten years there worked in the fashion industry before beginning a new career in food.

Although the book begins by trying to dispel the preconceptions of a, “…tureen of ruby-red borscht, warm blinis… exclusive caviar…” being all there is to Russian food, those wanting to discover those traditions will not actually be disappointed by this book.  Makhonko has pandered to the whims of our stereotypical view of Russian food, however, she has also included recipes from former Soviet republics, or those which have influenced Russian food, expanding one’s knowledge considerably in just 128 pages.

The introduction gives a brief description of how the climate, geography and traditions have all shaped the way in which Russians’ eat.  Mokhonko has also pandered to the amateur historian, providing a brief history of Russian food, 21st-century changes, tea and coffee houses, restaurants, the evolution of fast food, shopping and cooking, in addition to an outline of a day’s typical eating habits.

A small section of the book is devoted to traditional dishes: pelmeni, blinis, soups etc. all of which provide one with fond memories or romantic thoughts of Russia and thus desire to read about in more detail.  Festivals in Russia are always great food occasions and Mokhonko gives brief outlines of New Year’s Eve, Christmas and Epiphany etc.  All of the images, provided by Jon Whitaker, transport you into the coffee houses, the unusual regions the less savvy tourist would venture.

The recipe section of the book is split into six sections: Soups, Appetizers, Meat, Poultry and Game, Vegetarian and Side Dishes, Desserts, Baking and Drinks.  The recipes are a mixture of typical Russian fare but others include Georgian influences.

The most exciting part of the book has to be the Useful Addresses section at the back of the book which provides one with the details of food shops and restaurants in the local area.  Unfortunately, there are not many included for London but there is a reasonable UK section.  Also mentioned are Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the USA.  This book does not exhaust Russian cuisine but if you feel you may be interested in Russian food but do not want something large or expensive cluttering up your bookshelves, this is a great starter book.  It may well inspire you to take a trip somewhere you had not anticipated or give you a taste of just how exciting Russian cuisine can be.

The Food & Cooking of Russia

Elena Makhonko


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Angus Bell’s Batting on the Bosphorus


Angus Bell is a Scot, who while living in Canada, stumbled upon a medium who told him his Great Uncle Ivor (who had died as a child) was inspiring his ideas, that he would travel and write about it.  While working in a methadone clinic Bell planned a cricket tour around Eastern Europe.  Starting in the Baltics with playing cricket on ice and encountering a streaker, Bell picks up many a hitchhiker along the way  and makes his way through the Balkans, Bulgaria, Turkey, Ukraine, Belarus, the Baltic and finally finishes his tour in Poland where his final match is cancelled.

My sister lent me this book and instructed me that despite my general dislike of travel writing and my limited knowledge of cricket, it would indulge my love of Eastern Europe.  However, whether you are a lover of travel writing, cricket, Eastern Europe, or would like to find out about an interesting, albeit odd, adventure.

While Bell’s knowledge of East European history is not always necessarily spot on (though I do understand it is difficult to convey complicated historical concepts, thoughts, ideas and facts in a limited number of words) I did find his investigation of academics’ work amusing simply because there were many thesis written in utter jest.  I had never before come across academic work written as a hoax and I do wonder where academics get the time considering supposedly how hard they work and how much research they do! (Note, I realise many historians actually do work incredibly hard!)  What I found most intriguing was the brief mention of Lapta, a Russian game which began in the medieval period and is a Russian game similar to cricket.

To find out more about Angus Bell and his adventures go to:

Batting on the Bosphorus written by Angus Bell is available on Amazon priced at just £5.99.  To purchase your copy go to

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The Cellist of Sarajevo by Steven Galloway


I am always wary of anything that has become a hit, all too often they are quite incredibly over-rated.I am even more wary of novels based around historical events, particularly recent ones, because they can give a false portrayal.For an historian this is incredibly frustrating.However, Galloway, writes convincingly and, as his afterword explains, did a great deal of research in able to publish this novel.Although I would not call it enjoyable as such, I would describe it as a must-read.

The novel is based around three characters whose lives intertwine, albeit loosely, because of the Cellist of Sarajevo whose character is based upon Vedran Smailovic.Vedran Smailovic became renowned for playing Albinoni’s Adagio in G Minor at the site where many were killed when a mortar attack hit while they queued for bread.

The three key characters typify sections of Sarajevo’s society during the siege. There is Arrow, who has sacrificed her identity but attempts to maintain her moral stance despite acting as a sniper for the resistance. She is desperate to not become as evil as those ruining one of the most beautiful and historic cities in the world. However, as events progress, her choices lead her down a path she would have rather avoided. Her struggle to remember her past being intensifies and final re-acceptance of her true self ends the novel dramatically.

Dragan, is an example of many men in Bosnia who helped their wives and children get out before the siege became too bad but believing it would not last long or intensify. However, he is left, lonely and scared and attempts to shy away from the familiar.

Yet, in contrast to Arrow and Dragan who try to forget the past in order to reconcile and learn to live with the current situation, Kenan and his wife cling to any familiarity possible, even if it is just a minute of electricity, a small amount of clean water or a shared joke. Dragan awaits the day he is killed or drafted into the army but tries to hide his fears from his family and maintain a strong fatherly figure.

Each, for a different reason, are drawn to the cellist and his daily, outdoor, risky concert, who and which become a symbol, for some of hope, for some of compassion, for some of the past.

The Siege of Sarajevo 1992-1996:

The siege was the longest siege in the history of modern warfare, stretched from 5 April 1992 to 29 February 1996. The UN estimates that approximately ten thousand people were killed and fifty-six thousand wounded. On 22nd July 1993 an incredible 3777 shells hit the city.Last year, news of Bosnian Serb Army leader, Karadzic’s arrest and trial hit the headlines but unfortunately, General Mladic remains at large, despite attending football matched regularly and publishing a book of poetry.

Sarajevo is a beautiful city, surrounded by the hills in which Tito hid many of his weaponry.Slovenia and Croatia having already sought emancipation from the United Yugoslavia, Bosnia-Hercegovina attempted to gain independence.However, the fear of a an independent, strong and armed Bosnia led the Serbs to attain the weaponry and position themselves in ideal locations to shell key cities such as Sarajevo and Mostar.Although a great deal of reconstruction has taken place, in both Sarajevo and Mostar much destruction can still be seen, no more poignant than the ruined Sarajevo Library.

The Cellist of Sarajevo by Steven Galloway is available nationwide priced at £7.99

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