Battle for Belgrade Souvenir Collection

Today the new collection of souvenirs in Belgrade Window, based on illustrations of Dusan Petričić will be revealed to the public. The new souvenir programme was named after a well-known Petricic poster Battle for Belgrade, which was made in 1983, as a result of his collaboration with Dusko Radovic, in one hand, and the City Bureau of Environmental Protection, on the other side.  The centre of the painting revolves around the blue enemies of the city and its red defenders.  Petričić even used the image of the then mayor of Belgrade, Nenad Bogdanovic, who was kidnapped by the blues and taken in a boat down the muddy Sava river. Petričić main idea was to actually draft one recognisable and most frequently used theme in Belgrade – the view from Zemun and New Belgrade side and to add it little events.  The collection will be on view until 31 August 2011.

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