My Easy, Cheap, Georgian Beef & Chicken Shashlyk Recipes

Whenever I discuss what I do for a living, most people say in amazement, “Surely the cuisine of the region is no more exciting than meat and carbohydrates?”  I spend hours explaining just how varied the food is across Central and Eastern Europe.  When I talk about former USSR countries, such as Georgia, people are truly shocked how fabulous the traditional dishes are.  However, there is nothing wrong with some basic meat recipes such as shashlyk skewers of meat.  These are popular, in some form, in many countries, Turkey for one, but for me, they will always remind me of a wonderful meal in Ket in St Petersburg.  Shashlyk can be served with a variety of sauces but they key is to get the meat tender and charred.  Here’s my easy, cheap, recipe, inspired by the people of Georgia…


500g cubed meat (this can be chicken, beef – though make sure it is not stewing steak or it’ll be tough as old boots – or pork)

2 large white onions cut in quarters

4 bay leaves

1 tsp black peppercorns

Pinch of salt

100ml white wine vinegar

50ml Georgian white wine

150ml cold water


Put the all the ingredients into a large bowl and leave to marinate for at least 3 hours

Georgian Shashlyk

Rinse meat under tap to take away any harsh acidic taste of vinegar

Put meat on skewers (metal work best but as you can see from the photographs, wood will work too, just ensure they have been thoroughly soaked in water to prevent them burning)

Either put on a barbecue/hot coals to seal the outside of the meat for a minute on each side


Heat a griddle pan until it’s steaming, add a teaspoon of rapeseed oil (or vegetable oil but NOT olive oil) and seal the meat for a minute each side

Georgian Shashlyk

Place in a hot oven (at about 180 degrees Centigrade) and cook for 5 to 10 minutes or until cooked through but still tender

Georgian Shashlyk

Serve on a plate with a sauce of your choice, buckwheat kasha and salad

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Russian Zakuski Part II: Cold Cod Salad

Cold Cod Salad was created during the Soviet era when the Russians regularly suffered severe food shortages.  Thankfully, due to the presence of carrots in this dish, it provided necessary colour to the zakuski table.  It is best to chill the salad overnight so the sour cream top hardens slightly.

Cold Cod Salad

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